Byte Junior members can renew their membership with the renewal rate of RM8 at our ALL IT retail outlets.
Byte Junior membership can only be renewed with a valid student card during renewal. Renewal by points is not available for Student Rewards members.
Byte+ members can renew the membership with the renewal rate of RM10 at our ALL IT retail outlets or deduction of 1,000 Rewards Points for a year.
Renewal fee of RM10 if the membership is still active (not expired). Once expired, the member has to renew at the sign up rate of RM12 or RM20 for 2 year.
To renew membership by points deduction, kindly follow the steps below:
Step 1: Login to https://login.allitrewards.com.my
Step 2: Click ‘Profile’
Step 3: Click ‘Renew by Points’ for renew by 1,000 Rewards Points (Renewal can only be done 6 months before membership expired).
Step 4: Click ‘Renew by Points’ to confirm redemption. (Points will be deducted and it is not refundable.)
Step 5: Refresh your browser for Membership Expiry Date and Rewards Points update
You may also renew your membership online. Kindly reach out to us via WhatsApp and we will be happy to guide you the steps to renew online
Gentle Reminder – Remember to renew your membership on time to keep your rewards points active and enjoy the vouchers! You can only login if membership is still active to carry out redemption activities and download the vouchers.