Q : What is ALL IT Rewards?
A: ALL IT Rewards is a membership
A: ALL IT Rewards is a membership programme that is operated by ALL IT Hypermarket Sdn Bhd. This All-New Rewards Programme is our 5th revamp since its introduction in 2006. In 2020, we are bringing our members a digitalized version as they can now access their membership account digitally via our webapp.
With ALL IT Rewards, you can earn points when you shop at ALL IT Hypermarket, ALL IT Xpress Retail Outlets and ALL IT Online Store (https://www.allithypermarket.com.my/); redeem gifts with Rewards Point and enjoy member special priced items.
Q : What are the member’s benefits if I were to join as a member?
A: As a member of ALL IT Rewards, there are a list of exciting benefits awaiting you!
Besides redeeming gifts using points and member’s deals, you can also enjoy the monthly rebates voucher and partners’ deals, complimentary parking, technical perks, birthday gifts etc.
Click here to view the full list of benefits
Q : My ALL IT Rewards is expiring soon. How do I renew my membership?
A: Byte Junior members can renew their membership with the renewal rate of RM8 at our ALL IT retail outlets.
Byte Junior membership can only be renewed with a valid student card during renewal. Renewal by points is not available for Student Rewards members.
Byte+ members can renew the membership with the renewal rate of RM10 at our ALL IT retail outlets or deduction of 1,000 Rewards Points for a year.
Renewal fee of RM10 if the membership is still active (not expired). Once expired, the member has to renew at the sign up rate of RM12 or RM20 for 2 year.
Byte+ can renew membership with deduction of 1,000 Rewards Points for a 1-year duration by logging in to https://login.allitrewards.com.my/login
Q : How do I earn Rewards Points?
A: If you are in ALL IT retail outlet, you must provide your mobile number (as registered at ALL IT Rewards) prior to making purchase at cashier counter. If you are purchasing at https://www.allithypermarket.com.my/, you need to login before making payment.
Member will be awarded with points based on the product category they purchased. Click here for more info on point calculation.
Q : Is there any expiry date for the accumulation of Rewards Points?
A: Yes. Points earned has a validity from 12 to 18 months. The points which are accumulated in January – June, will be expired on June 30 of the following year. The points which were accumulated in July – December, will be expired on December 31 of the following year.
For example, B earned 500 Rewards Points on Aug 15, 2022, the 500 Rewards Points will expire on 31 Dec, 2023. We will email you the expiry date for the particular points twice a year or you can simply log in to your account via our microsite for latest membership status.
For more info on Rewards Points, Click here
Q : If I want to return my items bought from ALL IT outlet, will my Rewards Points be deducted?
A: Yes. We will deduct your Rewards Points during the refund/exchange process as the points are reversed after the return.
Q : Can I exchange my Rewards Points for cash?
A: Unfortunately, no. Rewards Points can only be used for redemption of gifts as listed in the current the Gift Redemption list. However, there is a wide range of gifts that you can redeem; we have included ALL IT cash voucher, product treats, charity etc for redemption.
Q : If I have any enquiries on ALL IT Rewards, whom do I contact?
A: You can visit any ALL IT outlet directly or email us at membership@allit.com.my.
Q : I see that ALL IT is one of the merchants for Sunway Pals Loyalty Program, can I use both Sunway Pals card and ALL IT Rewards at ALL IT Xpress outlet at Sunway Velocity Mall?
A: As they are 2 different loyalty programmes, you may only choose One (1) of them to be used during 1 same transaction.