“Giving is not just about making a contribution. It is about making a difference” – Kathy Calvin
Would you like to make a difference with your points?
Your 100 / 500 points can be donated to the non-profit organization / fund of your choice.

Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) is guided by its 14-year strategic plan, which is developed in 2017 to steer the development of the society and to move it toward fulfilling its vision – that is to effectively protect, manage as well as conserve Malaysia’s natural heritage and rich biological diversity for the benefit and appreciation of all Malaysians. By donating to MNS, you’re supporting their mission to promote the conservation of Malaysia’s natural heritage. For more info on this organisation, go to: https://www.mns.my

The Malaysian Red Crescent (RC) is a part of the global family of the international Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement. Its vision is to be a leading and the distinctive humanitarian organisation that brings people and institutions together for the vulnerable. By donating to RC, you’re supporting them to fight against human suffering & to promote lasting peace amongst all peoples. For more info on this organisation, go to: https://www.redcrescent.org.my

We Care Charity Fund was firstly introduced back on 2017. It carries the hearty purpose of collecting funds, which will be donated to worthy causes and non-profit organisations. This is a living testament of ALL IT’s commitment to CARE for a sustainable future. To support this vision, our missions are driven by the ‘4 Pillars of CARE’, which are:-
• C – Community’s wellbeing
• A – Aid during emergency or to the people in need
• R – Recycling for a better tomorrow
• E – Educating the public
By donating to the We Care Charity Fund, you’re supporting our vision to CARE for a sustainable future. For more info on the latest CSR activities, go to: https://www.allithypermarket.com.my/pages/corporate-social-responsibility